Merger of 4 companies in construction sector with total assets of 200MM/€
Merger of a specialist IT consulting company into a fast-growing IT solutions company in Germany
Sale of an ERP software solution provider to a market leading IT solutions company in Germany
Sale of wind turbines to a local municipality by a German specialist renewable energy project developer
Acquisition of a specialized IT consulting company in Austria by a publicly-quoted German IT services company
Sell-Side: Spanish industrial Company, to be acquired by a Chinese group (deal value: 38 MM/€)
Investment in new facilities, 13 MM/€, world leader in manufacturing of lifting and mooring systems
Industrial establishment of a Spanish Company in Poland, welding sector
Development of growth strategy through acquisitions for the brewing division of a leading Central European Beverages Group
Merger analysis for two leading Central European Brewery Groups
Analysis of potential take-over candidates in the German brewing industry for a leading Central European Brewery Group
Strategic due diligence for the acquisition of a large Eastern European Brewery by a leading Central European Beverages Group
Analysis of take-over candidates in the British and Dutch chain restaurant industry
Strategic due diligence of a German Department Store Chain from the perspective of a private equity investor
Strategic due diligence for the buy-out of one of the largest high-tech start-ups in the USA by a leading German company in the field of printing technology
Sale of an International Manufacturer of high precision components for the oilfield service industry to an industrial investor
Sale of a Stainless Steel Pipes Producer to the management team (MBO)
Sale of a leading Central European Aluminum Manufacturer and Processor to an industry group and to management
Sale of an International Engineering & Facility Management Company to a global medical device manufacturer
Analysis of take-over targets in Europe’s upscale hotel industry
Analysis of take-over targets in the British construction industry
IPO of a European Footwear Manufacturing Group
Preparation of the public offering of a Telecom Start-Up Company (land-lines, mobiles, ISP)
Growth strategy and preparation for the IPO of a leading Film and TV Production Company in Germany and Austria
Strategy and structure evaluation for the IPO of the Internet information portal of a leading German Magazine Publisher
IPO of a leading UK Casino Group with international activities
IPO of a leading European Steel and Automotive Components Manufacturer
Secondary offering of a leading European Specialty Steel Manufacturer
Advised and support in German IT solutions company on the unsolicited offer for shares by an international IT company
IPO of a leading German IT software and solutions company
Debt restructuring (pool of 9 banks, 13 MM/€ of l/t debt)
New generation fuel cell technology company leading to an investment by an international venture capital
Fund specialized in clean technologies
Corporate Restructuring of a family-run group of companies, education sector
Setting up and implementing an employee participation scheme for a German IT company